Personal Finance Resources: Financial Education & Literacy

Winter Decluttering Tips to Organize Your Home

Written by PSECU | Jan 17, 2022 11:00:00 AM

Did you make a resolution to declutter? Whether you’ve set a goal for the new year, or you just want a little more space, winter is the perfect time to clear out your home. You’ll have more time indoors and more opportunities to clean, organize, and simplify. Here are a few decluttering tips to get you started.

Where to Start

If you’re living in the average American home, you have to make room for more than a quarter-million things. Having so many items can make it difficult to know where to begin with your decluttering or downsizing project.

One option is to start with what's seasonally appropriate. Clear out any holiday decorations you didn't use this year and don't think you'll use in the future. Also, get rid of any lights or decorations that are broken or worn.

Now's also an excellent time to focus on removing your winter accessories, outerwear, and clothing. That sweater you never wear. Sell or donate it. The same is true of any winter coats, boots, or hats no one in your family is wearing. You can also get rid of anything that’s worn out or damaged.

After you've cleared out winter items, turn your attention to your paper clutter. Sort through your filing cabinets and recycle or shred the following:

  • Manuals for appliances, electronics, or toys you no longer own.
  • Magazines you've read.
  • Old catalogs and junk mail.
  • Old takeout menus.
  • Old financial records you no longer need (make sure you shred these!).

From there, focus on each room of the house, moving on to clothing, kitchenware, books, and sentimental items.

What to Do with Items You Keep

After clearing out the stuff you no longer use or need, you’ll be left with the things you want to keep. Now comes the fun part - organizing those things. Just as you worked room by room to declutter, work room by room to get organized. Start with your clothing.

Hang shirts, dresses, and pants in a closet, then use drawer organizers to sort the garments you'll keep in a dresser. Put any out-of-season clothing in a box or bin and store it under a bed, in a closet, or in your basement.

If space is at a premium in your home, get creative. Hang shelves or hooks on the walls and take advantage of vertical space.

Also, pay attention to how frequently you use an item. In the kitchen, for instance, it makes sense to have tools you use daily front and center and the appliances and gadgets you use less often tucked away.

A label maker can be helpful as you organize your belongings. Use it to mark what's in boxes and other storage containers to take the guesswork out of finding what you need.

Why Declutter?

Decluttering gives you more room to live in your home. Some of the benefits of cutting the clutter include:

  • Lowered stress level
  • Improved sleep
  • Increased concentration
  • Boosted confidence and self-esteem
  • Money saved

How Decluttering Saves Money

If you want to cut your spending, getting rid of stuff helps. The less clutter, the easier it is to find your things, which means you're less likely to buy the same item twice.

Cutting out the clutter gives you a better understanding of what you need and use. It keeps you from impulse or overbuying and encourages creative reuse.

Finally, the less you own, the less space you need. You can potentially move to a smaller house or get rid of that storage unit.

Declutter While It’s Cold Outside

Declutter while it's cold outside and get ahead of your spring cleaning. For more tips on money management, visit our resources page.